Mimi's Class Information

Our main aim is for the children to develop a love of French and to learn French effortlessly in a fun, caring and non-competitive environment.

Babies 6 months - 4 years old

Babies are the best language learners of us all! Between the ages the 6 - 10 months, they are at the optimum age for taking in the new sounds and intonations of a new language. Research has shown the younger we expose babies to a new language, the easier and more naturally they will pick up this second language. At Mimi's babies enjoy a fun, sociable and lively class whilst being exposed to French at the same time. We give the babies a wonderful session of songs, music, sensory activities, exploration and play. For parents or carers, we give you ideas for songs, lullabies and rhymes that you can do at home, as well as ideas for simple activities. All of this, is of course done through French.

Our toddlers and preschoolers in this class will love the hands-on activities and lively songs. Using props such as shakers, balls, parachutes, teddies and bubbles to name a few, the children will love learning French in this sociable environment.

3-5 year olds

Our 3-5 year olds class appeals to the child's natural curiosity and imagination. Every term we explore a different fairy tale or story – in French, of course. The children love exploring the story through drama and activities based on trolls, witches, fairies, big bad wolves or princesses. We do plenty of active songs and rhymes, routines with our puppet Mimi and we explore a different seasonal activity every week. It is a really hands-on class and the children absolutely love the “Valise Surprise”. The small classes ensure that everyone is actively learning and engaging in the session.

5 to 8 year olds

Our Super Saturday French Club caters for 5-8 year olds. We know that the children have been working hard in school all week, so we have created a relaxed social French-speaking environment for them to come to on a Saturday morning. Because it is not a class environment it is perfect for beginners, reluctant speakers and improvers. We offer a lively and fun approach to learning French with lots of different activities each week – art, term-time projects, songs, cultural learning, stories, dramatic play, games and French food etc... We have different learning goals each term and we fit in a huge amount of learning without the children even realising they are learning. Our aim is to give children a positive experience of learning and speaking French. They will love coming to Mimi's French Club!

Next term starts soon! Register now to save your spot.

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